Legal Updates

立杰亚洲 科技、媒体和电信区域法律资讯

本更新是对近几个月东南亚地区在数据保护、内容监管、金融监管、电信和电子商务等主题方面的最新发展概览。这些主题对于在科技领域经营的企业来说是相关及重要的,因为它们影响到企业如何收集、使用、存储和转移个人数据;如何创建、发布和调节在线内容;如何提供或促进金融服务和交易;如何访问和利用电信网络和基础设施;以及如何进行在线商务和贸易。简洁起见,我们将采取一个宏观的视角,将重点放在最新变化上,如果您想进一步讨论这些发展或任何其他与东南亚科技法律有关的事项,请随时与我们联系。 如果您想进一步了解,请点击阅读更多。

立杰亚洲 科技、媒体和电信区域法律资讯 Read More »

i) Performing Electronic Tax Transactions. ii) Foreign Currency Transactions. iii) Support Measures for Customers Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

In March, two circulars were issued regarding performing electronic tax transactions and foreign currency transactions. The first circular sets out, among others, the modes of registering electronic tax transactions. The second circular provides the guidelines for foreign currency transactions on foreign currency markets by authorised credit institutions.

i) Performing Electronic Tax Transactions. ii) Foreign Currency Transactions. iii) Support Measures for Customers Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

New Decree guiding foreign employees working in Vietnam and recruitment and management of Vietnamese employees working for foreign organisations and individuals in Vietnam

On 30 December 2020, the Government promulgated Decree No. 152/2020/ND-CP (“Decree 152”) regulating foreign employees working in Vietnam as well as the recruitment and management of Vietnamese employees working for foreign employers in Vietnam.

New Decree guiding foreign employees working in Vietnam and recruitment and management of Vietnamese employees working for foreign organisations and individuals in Vietnam Read More »

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